Darkness Rising by Katie Reus
My Rating: 5 stars
Darkness Rising is phenomenal, a absolute masterpiece. Consuming and unable to put this down I had no choice but to continue on with this book.
Reaper is an ancient dragon he is the dragon of war and he is definitely a neanderthal in his attitude to women. Greer is usually the placid peace keeper but she is standing up to Reaper and putting him in his place. He definitely suffers from foot in mouth disease in fact the situations between him and Greer when he commits verbal diarrhoea actually are some of the funniest scenes in the entire story. As usual the main story line is flowing through the back ground and we finally get some answers in the last book in this current series Don't worry the author tells us there is a off shoot series coming. All togethe a well written book and a perfect end to this series
I definitely recommend this book!
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